And yet Time goes on, unkind to the moments slipping away…unknown.
Does anyone realize what they miss by failing to live?
Does anyone realize what they miss by failing to truly love sacrificially?
Does anyone realize the value of friendship? The moment when there is a true need for comfort? The moment when TRUTH needs to be declared.
I know. I’ve been that person. Failing to live by passing by opportunities of a lifetime, presented in small ways to impact the people around me. Failing to love, to give up my will and time to benefit others and crushing them in the process. Failing to be a true friend. Failing to comfort by often not even realizing the need. Failing to speak truth when it is desperately needed.
Then there are those that know the value of each moment.
Those that have impacted me beyond what they could dream, simply by living a life dedicated to Christ. Those who have loved me at the risk of being hurt, rejected, and unappreciated. Those who have been true friends. Those who’ve comforted me. Those who’ve spoken truth, even when it hurt, even when I didn’t want to hear. Moments taken advantage of...used to the greatest potential imaginable.
This is what I want my life to be. I want to impact moments, making them into monuments. I want to love like Christ did. I want to be a true friend, willing to lay down my life for someone. Comforting and being sensitive to needs. One who speaks truth.
I want to live like I’m alive, because with Christ, I truly am.