It's funny how things change. Some change is so slow that you don't notice it until you're looking back. Other change is in the blink of an eye. The gradual one is comfortable, like a warm summer breeze. And then it slaps you across the face like a face-first fall into ice cold water.
A great many things have changed this year. Some changes I predicted. Some I expected. Some I planned.
Some I didn't plan. Some...I couldn't stand. Some hurt beyond reason or explanation.
Yet life goes on.
There were times I cried, my world turned upside down. Facing future I couldn't plan for, wasn't expecting.
But there is strength in promise.
"With Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning*..."
The Giver of Gifts. The Giver of...yes, even change. And the Giver of pain.
With Whom there is no variation....
He doesn't change. He doesn't leave me in pain, in confusion. Through changes in my life, He remains constant.
Neither shadow of turning...
Not even a shadow of turning. How slight a shadow is, but He promises not even a shadow of turning.
And through change that knocks me senseless...or creeps suddenly in...I can trust that promise. That the Giver of all things won't give me something I can't handle. Won't change any outward thing that He's not walking beside me in.
I hardly know how to describe the last year. I hardly knew it. It came- and has gone. With the coming of 2011, I desire to live in the moment. To remember the little things that make life meaningful. To live life alive. To know this year. To be faithful.
Good morning.
*James 1:17b
Posted in:
New Year,
Saturday, January 1, 2011
12:01 AM