When I get in a hurry, I often forget important steps. Hence more work. But you know, sometimes you need to get things done and end up doing them without meaning to, and end up being very productive. For example, here's the steps to getting around to mopping the kitchen- even when you DON'T think you have time.
Step 1- Act like you're filling up a water bottle. Actually, fill it up.
Step 2- Screw the lid on. Just don't. Like, leave it so...(continue to next step)Step 1- Act like you're filling up a water bottle. Actually, fill it up.
Step 3- You pick up the water bottle (by the lid), actually only pick up the lid dropping the water bottle and spill a gallon of water on the kitchen floor.
Step 4- Mop it up. See, I told you you were being productive!
The only problem with this kind of productivity is, when I finish the task I didn't start out to do, I've forgotten the original task. The water bottle is still, as far as I know, downstairs on the kitchen counter.