Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello, 2010!

I can’t believe 2009 is already gone. It seems like just a few months ago my big brother turned 18. I vividly remember the nervousness as I took my first CLEP test…the excitedness when I knew I had passed with a good score…my little brother's birthdays...the torture of wearing a wrist brace for 3 months (wow..was it really that long?) after spraining it during a heated game of soccer….good times with friends….funny experiences…fun family times…my birthday and my sister’s, a party and a camping trip…many nights of sewing costumes for a play…my new camera, now officially named Captain Nemo….my mom and dad’s birthdays…Thanksgiving….then the December busyness and Christmas. Now it is January 1, 2010. I’m a year older, so much different and wondering what 2010 will bring. There are so many things I never would have thought of happening. Like having 30 hours of college credit, for instance.

I’m realizing more and more that time FLIES. I don’t know how it happens, it’s mind-boggling. I know I can never understand eternity with earthly time making me feel so confused. Thankfully, God understands exactly what He’s doing. :)

I got out my unfinished journal from last year. This is a portion of the entry on January 1, 2009:

A new year has dawned, and with it, a new era in my life. An era of understanding, of living, of growing. One in which my faith rests in God alone. 2008 was a year in which I had many doubts, many struggles. Lord, you sustained me, and brought me through safely. Thank you.
Thank you for my sister, thank you for friends…..Show me who are true friends, whom I can trust to encourage me in Your ways…
We watched Pilgrim’s Progress tonight. I had read the book, but forgotten much. Pilgrim had many struggles….After all this, the prize- the words, “Well done, good, and faithful servant.” Lord, help me to be faithful in 2009 to you alone.

As I enter 2010, my prayer is much the same. To be faithful in the little things as well as the big things, because often that is so much harder. I’ve changed, grown, and learned much in the last year; God willing, I will learn and grow more in 2010.

So much happened last year in my life. I’m sure that just as much has occurred in everyone else’s lives. I have nothing profound to say, no sage words of advice. Just the prayer, that at the end of this year, we may all be able to say this:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Tim 4:7.

Hello, 2010!


Vanessa said...


Yes, I have the same problem, not understanding how fast the year goes by! Your journal entry was very encouraging, so true and profound in truth, thanks for sharing it. This post was wonderfully done, an uplifting post, because it isn't always easy and yet as you mentioned by the end of this year, I too want to say 2 Tim. 4:7. I can't believe that life just takes wings so fast, I'll be 18 before I even know it! Well, this was a very warm and encouraging post, to fight the good fight! :)

Kristen L. said...

what an encouraging and fun post to read! I love it when people sum up their year. I have to say, i am VERY glad that i have gotten to know you better this last year and cannot wait for this next year!

Amelia said...

Thank you so much for the sweet and thoughtful Birthday wishes! And thank you also for your prayers for my back, it has truly been a difficult trial for me, so your continued prayers are very much appreciated and coveted.

Blessings to you Leah. : ) ~Mrs. Orlando

Zac said...

Great post! I CAN'T wait for what 2010 has in store for all of us! :)

Hello, 2010!

I can’t believe 2009 is already gone. It seems like just a few months ago my big brother turned 18. I vividly remember the nervousness as I took my first CLEP test…the excitedness when I knew I had passed with a good score…my little brother's birthdays...the torture of wearing a wrist brace for 3 months (wow..was it really that long?) after spraining it during a heated game of soccer….good times with friends….funny experiences…fun family times…my birthday and my sister’s, a party and a camping trip…many nights of sewing costumes for a play…my new camera, now officially named Captain Nemo….my mom and dad’s birthdays…Thanksgiving….then the December busyness and Christmas. Now it is January 1, 2010. I’m a year older, so much different and wondering what 2010 will bring. There are so many things I never would have thought of happening. Like having 30 hours of college credit, for instance.

I’m realizing more and more that time FLIES. I don’t know how it happens, it’s mind-boggling. I know I can never understand eternity with earthly time making me feel so confused. Thankfully, God understands exactly what He’s doing. :)

I got out my unfinished journal from last year. This is a portion of the entry on January 1, 2009:

A new year has dawned, and with it, a new era in my life. An era of understanding, of living, of growing. One in which my faith rests in God alone. 2008 was a year in which I had many doubts, many struggles. Lord, you sustained me, and brought me through safely. Thank you.
Thank you for my sister, thank you for friends…..Show me who are true friends, whom I can trust to encourage me in Your ways…
We watched Pilgrim’s Progress tonight. I had read the book, but forgotten much. Pilgrim had many struggles….After all this, the prize- the words, “Well done, good, and faithful servant.” Lord, help me to be faithful in 2009 to you alone.

As I enter 2010, my prayer is much the same. To be faithful in the little things as well as the big things, because often that is so much harder. I’ve changed, grown, and learned much in the last year; God willing, I will learn and grow more in 2010.

So much happened last year in my life. I’m sure that just as much has occurred in everyone else’s lives. I have nothing profound to say, no sage words of advice. Just the prayer, that at the end of this year, we may all be able to say this:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Tim 4:7.

Hello, 2010!


  1. Leah,

    Yes, I have the same problem, not understanding how fast the year goes by! Your journal entry was very encouraging, so true and profound in truth, thanks for sharing it. This post was wonderfully done, an uplifting post, because it isn't always easy and yet as you mentioned by the end of this year, I too want to say 2 Tim. 4:7. I can't believe that life just takes wings so fast, I'll be 18 before I even know it! Well, this was a very warm and encouraging post, to fight the good fight! :)

  2. Leah,
    what an encouraging and fun post to read! I love it when people sum up their year. I have to say, i am VERY glad that i have gotten to know you better this last year and cannot wait for this next year!

  3. Thank you so much for the sweet and thoughtful Birthday wishes! And thank you also for your prayers for my back, it has truly been a difficult trial for me, so your continued prayers are very much appreciated and coveted.

    Blessings to you Leah. : ) ~Mrs. Orlando

  4. Great post! I CAN'T wait for what 2010 has in store for all of us! :)


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