It’s actually been rather springy and sunny this week, compared to the last few months. I love the sun…this is my desktop background right now. My mom’s roses from Valentine ’s Day, and the sun…light and happy. And entirely unedited.
Also, I’ve recently been accused several times of being a photographer of sorts just to avoid being in pictures. That is entirely inaccurate, and here’s a picture of me to prove it. :)
Ok, yes, that is cheesy. I do indeed take pictures of myself in Target with my camera balanced on a shelf and using a remote, in case you ever wondered. Here’s a slightly better one…and not in Target.
And, to answer the accusation that I only post good pictures, here is a bad picture of myself to prove you wrong.
Ok, so it’s not terrible. I have some really good bad pictures, but I’ll save those for another post. ;)
I don’t even know how many pieces of lined paper I’ve used up in the last few weeks for ‘to do’ lists. I’m thinking about just using the note pad on the computer. But then, I can’t scratch the things off…hmm…I’ll have to think on it some more. Suggestions are welcome. :)
For today though…
Things Leah guarantees:
-pictures from yesterday’s photoshoot downloaded
-at least 4 cups of peppermint tea
-my clothes washed
-many interruptions in my agenda
-a clean house
-some food item burnt
-my shower
Things Leah does NOT guarantee:
-a clean room
-pictures edited
-clothes put away
-my 'to do' list finished
-math homework
-your shower
Have a great day!
Firstly, I love your layout. :D
Secondly - I'm jealous that you have a remote. I keep meaning to buy one but never get around to it. Where did you get yours?
Your photos are awesome, as usual (are you SURE they're yours? :P). Have fun with the busyness! :D
Tiph- thanks. i like it too. :)
my remote was a Christmas gift. I know you can order them off of Amazon, or I have 2 really good camera equiptment websites I can email you if you want. I may have a remote, but my tripod is broken so you have no idea what a pain it can be! or maybe you do...
Yes, I'm sure my pictures are mine. :) I can prove it too. :)remind me to show you the blonde ones...