For those of us (ahem....that would be me) who have trouble getting up early, I may have finally found a solution--Clocky, an alarm clock that runs away from me!
"Can’t wake up? You’re not alone. Stats show that 40% of people ‘abuse’ the snooze. Typical alarm clocks just don’t work well. Ours never lets you oversleep again. Clocky runs away and hides if you don’t get out of bed. When the alarm sounds, Clocky will wait for you to get up. But if you snooze, Clocky will jump off of your nightstand (from 3 feet), and run around your room, determined to get you up on time. Clocky’s hip, innovative and charming. What could be better to wake up next to?"
Since I still don't have an alarm clock, this may be quite practial...Contributors? :)
That's hilarious! :) But I might seriously think about it. I wonder how fast it rolls and how far. I'd have to remember not to leave a glass of water on my nightstand. :)
You could sell one of your siblings :-p
Why the word verification back on lol?