Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wrong again, unfortunately

The precipitation never got the memo to change from ice to snow. Oh well. This is Texas after all.

 My computer is telling me that it's freezing right now.
I could not have figured that out without help.

"Roomservice, Roomservice, don' send up any more ice." -W. C. Fields


Abby Fields said...

I love the pictures! lol, I can't wait for this cold weather to end though! :)

Wrong again, unfortunately

The precipitation never got the memo to change from ice to snow. Oh well. This is Texas after all.

 My computer is telling me that it's freezing right now.
I could not have figured that out without help.

"Roomservice, Roomservice, don' send up any more ice." -W. C. Fields


  1. I love the pictures! lol, I can't wait for this cold weather to end though! :)


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