Monday, August 22, 2011


{what goes through an ADD person's mind in the space of about 20 minutes...or is it time span? I'm not sure. Which reminds me...}

Today began the second week of being back to work after being gone for a month. From the looks of things, this will be another 40+ hour week. And somehow, I have a blister already, on my left pinky. This is odd for two reasons: 1, I'm right-handed; 2, it's my PINKY! How do you get a blister there?
At work last week, I forgot to bring silverware for lunch. I had pasta, which wasn't really an eat-with-your-fingers type lunch. After scrounging around the cabinets, all I found was plastic knives. So, I put my chopstick training to good use. I actually think that chopsticks with a serrated edge would be a fabulous invention. Not only would you be able to eat your food, you'd be able to cut it as well. Just a thought. Anyways, the two knife idea worked fabulously. But I still brought silverware the next day.
I love my job. It's wonderful manual labor. The only thing I don't really like is the whole items-being-backordered thing, then the catch up process after we get in the shipping supplies and/or items to ship. Last week we ran out of a certain kind of sign box. This is our biggest box, and is custom made. After several days of allowing the orders to back up, we finally got the boxes today, an hour and a half before quitting time, and in time to run out of 9x4 blue magnets. Not only that, but the phone/computer line was broken, so there was no internet, which means that the packages can't be labeled using FedEx's handy dandy system. Everything will have to be entered in by hand until the phone line is fixed. The first good thing is that that’s not my job. The second good thing was that I got my paycheck from last week, which made me immensely grateful to have a job, despite the glitches in the system. All things considered, I have a lot to be thankful for. :)

I've been thinking a lot about different things since coming home from China, and re-evaluating a lot of goals. I've been thinking a lot about this quote shared in church last Sunday:

"Ambitions for self may be quite modest … Ambitions for God, however, if they are to be worthy, can never be modest. There is something inherently inappropriate about cherishing small ambitions for God. How can we ever be content that he should acquire just a little more honour in the world? No. Once we are clear that God is King, then we long to see him crowned with glory and honor, and accorded his true place, which is the supreme place. We become ambitious for the spread of his kingdom and righteousness everywhere."
 ~John Stott

I'm wondering what ambitions I have that are insignificant and selfish? What ambitions should I have to further Christ's Kingdom?

Which reminds me again of China, and the fact that my 8 gb memory card is now finished downloading.  So, now I'm going to process and delete some of the photos from the trip.

                      This photo is in Pinghu, shot from a bridge over one of the many canals. Unedited.


a penney for your thoughts said...

Hey, I plan HOURS of trip stories, you know? Doesn't have to be all at once, but I'm sure ready to see some of those 8g of pictures, and hear what you have to say. :-)

Excelsior said...

Where do you work and is it full-time?


{what goes through an ADD person's mind in the space of about 20 minutes...or is it time span? I'm not sure. Which reminds me...}

Today began the second week of being back to work after being gone for a month. From the looks of things, this will be another 40+ hour week. And somehow, I have a blister already, on my left pinky. This is odd for two reasons: 1, I'm right-handed; 2, it's my PINKY! How do you get a blister there?
At work last week, I forgot to bring silverware for lunch. I had pasta, which wasn't really an eat-with-your-fingers type lunch. After scrounging around the cabinets, all I found was plastic knives. So, I put my chopstick training to good use. I actually think that chopsticks with a serrated edge would be a fabulous invention. Not only would you be able to eat your food, you'd be able to cut it as well. Just a thought. Anyways, the two knife idea worked fabulously. But I still brought silverware the next day.
I love my job. It's wonderful manual labor. The only thing I don't really like is the whole items-being-backordered thing, then the catch up process after we get in the shipping supplies and/or items to ship. Last week we ran out of a certain kind of sign box. This is our biggest box, and is custom made. After several days of allowing the orders to back up, we finally got the boxes today, an hour and a half before quitting time, and in time to run out of 9x4 blue magnets. Not only that, but the phone/computer line was broken, so there was no internet, which means that the packages can't be labeled using FedEx's handy dandy system. Everything will have to be entered in by hand until the phone line is fixed. The first good thing is that that’s not my job. The second good thing was that I got my paycheck from last week, which made me immensely grateful to have a job, despite the glitches in the system. All things considered, I have a lot to be thankful for. :)

I've been thinking a lot about different things since coming home from China, and re-evaluating a lot of goals. I've been thinking a lot about this quote shared in church last Sunday:

"Ambitions for self may be quite modest … Ambitions for God, however, if they are to be worthy, can never be modest. There is something inherently inappropriate about cherishing small ambitions for God. How can we ever be content that he should acquire just a little more honour in the world? No. Once we are clear that God is King, then we long to see him crowned with glory and honor, and accorded his true place, which is the supreme place. We become ambitious for the spread of his kingdom and righteousness everywhere."
 ~John Stott

I'm wondering what ambitions I have that are insignificant and selfish? What ambitions should I have to further Christ's Kingdom?

Which reminds me again of China, and the fact that my 8 gb memory card is now finished downloading.  So, now I'm going to process and delete some of the photos from the trip.

                      This photo is in Pinghu, shot from a bridge over one of the many canals. Unedited.


  1. Hey, I plan HOURS of trip stories, you know? Doesn't have to be all at once, but I'm sure ready to see some of those 8g of pictures, and hear what you have to say. :-)

  2. Where do you work and is it full-time?


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